Peter is only one of many Australian’s intrigued by the immigrants that helped build a nation. One of those immigrants was his own great grandfather and sketchy stories of his life have created the novels you see below.
The William Stewart Saga
“This novel is about the appalling yet hopeful experience of finding your luck in a big, scary world, and if this is what you like to read, An Ocean Away is the book for you.”
“The action is intense in the story, and for me, the action is the most important element. There is never a dull moment where I felt the plot wasn’t going anywhere.”
“This is an excellent read and I’m sure others who enjoy the genre will agree. Highly recommended.”
“Caroline’s Locket by Peter Clarke is a fantastically written novel
about the gold rush of the mid-1800s in Sydney, Australia.”
Peter Clarke

This photo was taken by a treasured cousin at a dinner in Bathurst, NSW on the weekend of the 150th anniversary of the raid by Ben Hall and his gang which took place on 3 October 1863.